Chuck Fattore


Chuck Fattore

"Life Long Learner"

Chuck Fattore

2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

Christmas celebrations are part of our culture's tradition. This tradition features the giving and receiving of gifts between loved ones and friends. As the recipient of a gift, I'm rarely concerned myself with the question how much any gift has cost. I am thankful to receive the gift and grateful for the expression of love motivating the giver. I realize that the cost of any gift represents a personal sacrifice on the part of the giver. Consequently, I consider all gifts to be a token of personal endearment. Upon meditating on this fact, I am drawn to the fact that God has chosen us and has gifted us our salvation at a great personal cost to Him!

God did not use corruptible means like gold or silver to purchase us. His gift of salvation cost Him the precious blood of His only begotten Son. See the blood-mark upon all His chosen ones, invisible to the human eye, but known by Christ! The Lord personally knows each of us He calls His children better than we know ourselves!

Through Grace, God gave us His everlasting love. Through the Holy Spirit, God conquered our rebellious spirit. How long did I hold onto my self-sufficient attitude? How long did I resist the thoughts that this universe's sovereign God could actually humble Himself to die a criminal's death? How long did it take me to believe Jesus rose again to offer me forgiveness that satisfied the law's requirements of shedding blood to cover/cancel my sins?

As a conquered captive of His omnipotent love, I rejoice in the fact that I can never be my own sovereign. Rather, I desire to daily, submit to His will to demonstrate

His glory in my interactions with others. The story that began as a baby in a manger culminates in God's covenant of Grace. Because of Christmas I can receive the status of being God's child and spend eternity in God's Peaceable Kingdom. Rejoice, again I say rejoice!

Wishing you and your loved ones a spiritually blessed Christmas season!
