Chuck Fattore


Chuck Fattore

"Life Long Learner"

Chuck Fattore

"God’s WAY to spending eternity with Him"

January 23, 2021

John 14:6- I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me.

Where does one find answers to the question of how to acquire eternal happiness? Humankind's history offers numerous alternative answers to this question based on popular falsehoods including acquiring wealth, power, self-gratification, popularity, and numerous other self-centered goals. But the Bible informs humanity that there is only one way to experience eternal happiness with God. The Bible states that there is a narrow pathway that ultimately leads to eternal happiness with God.

To discover this narrow pathway begins with a humble acknowledgment that I am a sinner having no personal qualities of that satisfies God's requirements of righteousness.

The pilgrim equipped with a humble heart and belief that God rewards those who diligently seek Him, uses his faith enhanced by prayer and guided by the Holy Spirit, to discover the existence of a narrow pathway apart from the sprawling superhighway everyone is traveling. With one's spiritual sight gained in his salvation experience; the pilgrim is able to begin his travel along the WAY. Because the WAY is not lit by human efforts, the pilgrim places horizontal Gospel-powered lights on his belt of truth to illuminate his feet on the pathway. He then straps on vertical Gospel-powered lights to his legs illuminating the narrow contours of the WAY. At the WAY's entrance the pilgrim notices a bright distant light marking the WAY's ultimate objective, God's eternal kingdom.

At the WAY's starting point the pilgrim's lights reveal a parallel series of hidden rabbit trails that lead to lies, conspiracy theories, anger, hatred, divisive behavior, and vineyards that produce luscious appearing fruit that are poisonous to the human soul. Throughout life's journey, Satan continues his assault on the Christians' conscience with the purpose of blinding and deafening the pilgrim's ability to discern God's truth. The pilgrim's ability to sustain his walk on the WAY depends on his ability to keep his eyes fixed upon the distant glow of Jesus's glory and humbly commit to staying on the WAY no matter the human costs. Armed with Christ's armor, the pilgrim sojourner is empowered to deflect Satan's attempts to lure the pilgrim to leave the WAY and pursue earthly values: I.e. wealth, political power, prestige and fulfillment of other worldly goals.

With the constant threat of sin's allurement chasing us, it is critical that every believer, no matter his location on the WAY, to daily study Scripture, pray and fellowship with the body of Christ. Use the talents and testimonies of Christian brethren to assist your ability to stay focused on Jesus while traversing His WAY. May all of us experience the joy and assurance in our eternal future as we travel together with Jesus who is our only WAY!
